Monday, May 21, 2018

Update on Canadiana

The image and text below are from about a week ago (link and paragraph break added).

Getting ready for East Coast Comic Expo this weekend! I just picked up our books and prints we'll be selling. Really pleased with the result Pressed 4 Time Printing did. Great job! 
These books have the Canadiana story from the original 2005 web series, (written by Mark Shainblum, pencilled by Jeff Alward, and inked/colored by me) as well as a preview of the brand new adventures. This is the first time in print for Canadiana, and I can't think of a better place to premiere it than the ECCE. 
The above was written in the Blu Haus Studio Facebook group. I have to assume that the "me" referred to above as inker/colourist is Holly Noel since she's the only other Blu Haus member named

A work-in-progress print was displayed months ago as well.

Looks like Canadiana is building herself a team!

I believe that is The Martlet in flight at bottom left, a character that was first revealed (to the best of my knowledge) as an entry in the second Epic Canadiana (no connection to the the character above) anthology from Cloudscape.

That I recall, she ultimately didn't appear (I really need to revisit that book...And to tone down on the parentheses) but from what little I know of her, I'm quite pleased to see her still in play. She sounds like she could be an interesting character with some fairly unique qualities.

If you're not familiar with her, see if you can guess what they are just from the image above.  It's a rare thin among comic book characters.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

True Patriot Presents #8 is out!

True Patriot Presents has found a way to release its issues just as I begin to assume that the series is done for. Number 7 came out in January and while I think we all know to not expect an exact bi-monthly schedule, by now things were starting to seem a little bleak.

We hadn't heard much chatter about issue 8 leading up to its release. Often it will be teased a few days in advance. Not this time; While glancing at the new books for the week, there it was in all its Canadian glory.

As the cover above reveals, most of the regulars are here. The book leads off with an action-packed installment of The Red Ensign made to look, as usual, as though you are viewing it on a WW2 newsreel. The copied image below doesn't quite capture it adequately but it's a neat touch.

The Family Dynamic follows with a continuation of the stories told in the three-issue limited series from DC Comics from some years back.  We are at the beginning of the second issue from that series at this point. These pages focus on a crime-fighting duo called Blackbird and Little Wing who are very close to the family.

I quite like these two and when the old DC material runs out, I would be interested in seeing them in a story of their own.

Crude is next, but seen relatively little in a story which serves more to effectively build up the threat that the enemy presents.

The book concludes with some heavy Dominion Jack family drama though again, the supporting cast gets the bulk of the action.

30+ pages for $1.99 US.

It's encouraging to see that all four stories are to be continued. I know that guarantees nothing but it at least displays an intent to go on publishing this anthology and sets my mind at ease on that level.

So with that in mind, could we maybe expect #9 for Canada Day, even if it's a little within the usual bi-monthly expectation? Hope so.