Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Group Of Seven Returns!

Indyplanet, the online print-on-demand store, has not always been easy to deal with. They were a great resource five years ago when I started looking much harder for Canadian characters in comic books, but ordering from them was quite painful.

Actually, it was impossible; their website would not accept my orders. They've improved, but past experience has caused me to neglect to review their new offerings.

I took a look at them this past weekend and found a few surprises, none larger than the fourth issue of Group Of Seven being available.

This is rather appropriate for the remake of this site as Group Of Seven was one of the first books I found on Indyplanet in 2012. At that time, issues one and three were available. Two was not, but it joined the party a few months later.

Five years have passed and now the story continues. You can purchase the fourth issue individually, or in a compilation of the material released to date.

Just in time for Canada’s 150th birthday, comes the Group of Seven Trade Paperback! This volume collects all four issues of the first book of The Group of Seven, complete with new content.  
With the mysterious return of Canada's founding father, John A. Macdonald, Canada is elevated to a new age of independent national growth, bringing with it a heightened sense of unrest. There have been many assassination attempts on the Prime Minister's life as a result of his revolutionary agendas. Many of these attacks have employed super-humans, resulting in the government's ever growing dependency on Canada's Premier Super Team, The True North Guardians. However, while an appointed meeting between the Prime Minister and the Maple Leaf takes place to discuss the growing superhuman threats, The True North Guardians are eliminated in one fell swoop.

I haven't read these in a while (five years between issues will do that) but I recall that the tone was edgier and darker than the cover and preview art might suggest. Not all these Canadians are polite and friendly. :-) The team has a lot of history and baggage.

Speaking of preview material, I just noticed that the first issue is available for free download so if you want to sample the book, you should be able to do right here.

See you again in 2022, GoS? ;-)

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

CCBA Card Set Forthcoming!

The following information is copied from a Facebook post from earlier today by the Canadian Comic Book Alliance.
Soooo you like Canadian Comic Books? Well you wouldn't be a fan of this page if you didn't! What about trading card? What if the trading cards featured characters by the creators that are members of the CCBA? Well hang onto your beaver pelt hats because coming very soon is exactly that...the first series of CCBA trading cards! Keep your eyes peeled for more information but for now feast your peepers on the triptych checklist cards for the set with art by Justin Shauf and colours and layouts by Donovan Yaciuk! This scene features many characters from the CCBA roster and is actually taken from an upcoming team up comic featuring a plethora of the characters from across the CCBA!!

That last bit about the team up might be the best part. Lots of familiar faces up there, but I admit I'm drawing a blank on the lady second from the right...