I backed the Sandstone Comics Presents anthology a few days ago. The pdf version was $10 which, initially, seemed a little steep for a digital book. I'd overlooked the fact that this book is 72 pages in length, however, which makes the cost far more reasonable.
Then it got even better. Sandstone chose to promote the pdf for only $2 during its Kickstarter campaign.
First, it bears pointing out that Sandstone is based out of Charlottetown PEI and likely would have been supported on that basis alone. But as with any project, Canadian characters are of highest interest to me and, at first glance, there didn't seem to be much of that here.
That's a little misleading. Most of the characters are from "Charlotte City", which I suspect is simply a larger version of Charlottetown. I'm reminded of how True Patriot's Family Dynamic are based in a fictional town in British Columbia. it would appear a similar approach is in play here.
Here are the characters in question, starting with Nucleus from Indestructible.
After an accident involving an electromagnetic test, Martin (Mason) gained extreme powers and strength. Now a protector of the people, he roams the skies a Nucleus, guardian of Charlotte City. His time as a hero might be short-lived as there is a sickness living inside of him.
If Nucleus patrols the skies, The Ghost Of The Cradle prowls its streets.

When a mysterious vigilante starts targeting the criminal underworld of the Cradle, a borough of Charlotte City, Detective Alex Turnbull is tasked with tracking down this strange new threat. Turnbull is forced to face his own personal demons in the hunt for this ghostly persona, all while under the watchful eye of an even deadlier menace looming in the shadows.There is another character mentioned on the Kickstarter page but it is unclear how involved he'll be in the anthology. The book is marketed as containing three full-length stories and in addition to the above, includes one called Leap Frog.
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